Monday, 25 July 2016

5 Real reasons behind homophobia

It is sickening to think people use the word 'gay' as an abuse and often times, it is not even apparent to them that it is as heinous as racism. What is even more appalling is the liberal unmindful usage on apparently evolved streams of social media where they use the word for name-calling, thinking that's what they are doing. What one doesn't realise is that gays are actually better than straight men at practically everything they do. Now, I will reserve that for another post. 

What one cant' deny is the fact that a large section of "modern" society is naturally homophobic or they at least need to pretend to be so, in order to get majoritarian acceptance. There is a stigma around being 'gay' and it is impossible for many to even reason with the fact that they are as normal as anybody else. Being gay is an attribute and not an identity. 

#1 Minority Community

The world isn't a fair place. In a planet of 7 billion people, of which let us safely assume at least 3 billion are grown up men, only 45,000 people are online on Planetromeo. That, for a small sample, proves that we are 0.00000642857% of the human race. Small enough to be called 'minority' community. To most of the planet, we don't even exist considering how small the numbers are. Despite that, our voices are heard. Thanks to the power of the internet and other mediums of free speech. It is natural, at least according to Charles Darwin, we need to fight for our existence. 

#2 Stigma 

In reality, people are actually not that homophobic. Seriously! With the kind of everyday battles people are fighting day-in and day-out with disease, distress, war, unemployment, economic issues and many more roadblocks for peaceful existence, who really has the time to think about 0.00000642857% of the human race? Let us be practical. Nobody gives a damn! Yet, imagine if 1 person among a group of 5 men says something in favour of the gay community. The very next question would be 'Are you gay?'. It is as stupid as asking a male advocate of woman's rights 'Are you a woman?' or an animal activist 'Are you a cow?'. Yet, nobody thinks for a second about asking such ridiculously stupid questions. The easiest way to deal with such situations or rather avoid them altogether is just be part of the larger group and nod in favour of their opinions, no matter how stupid they are! 

#3 Drama

Gay men are partially to be blamed for homophobia too. I know a lot of my readers wouldn't buy this idea of mine. Yet, I am going to go ahead and say it. A lot of gay men are unnecessarily dramatic and the air they carry around is often annoying even to other gay men. Like I mentioned, being gay is a part of you and that isn't the ONLY thing that defines you. Subtlety is an art. Overdose of anything isn't good and that applies to expressing oneself too. If you are loud and attention-seeking, the phobia that you receive is more on account of that and not being gay itself. It is also because of this kind of crowd that Karan Johar movies portray them in a certain way and further reinforce the opinions in the minds of people. If you would like people to accept you normally, the way you are, there is just one way to do it. Be normal. Nobody likes tantrums! Seriously. 

#4 Religion

A lot of religious beliefs have been misconstrued and propagated incorrectly over the years. The gatekeepers to God have unfailingly chosen to either ignore or add to the agony by further giving their own not-so-creative touch to it. So, these so-called messiahs and God-men have time and again made sure that the 0.00000642857% of human race is some sort of typo on the planet. In any case, most religious outfits and institutions have been built using oppression as brick and fear as mortar. It is rather too unsurprising for me to believe that we have been easy targets. 

#5 Frustration

Most humans are in real, frustrated creatures. They look for excuses all the time to cover up their inadequacies and incompetencies. Let us just face the fact that most people live a terrible life lost in paying education loans, car loans, EMIs and where is the time for living your dreams and that vacation that you wanted to take to Venice? Gay men are often free from such commitments and far more successful in life in terms of career, finance etc. and can afford to take such luxurious vacations. I don't want to stereotype here but a lot of gay men are opulent and love living a good life and having the best of things. They are because they bloody can! The only way for the losers to get back at them is homophobia. Well! who cares! :P 

I know this isn't the most thought-provoking piece of writing ever. It isn't even the most sensible one. Nor is the language savour-worthy. Yet, when you look at things deeply, these are some basic things that we fail to take a look at and that actually influence human thinking and behaviour. If you have a different point of view, feel free to share it with me. 

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